Louise Scammell printmaking
Printmaking is one of the most absorbing and fascinating visual arts and our studio has a warm and enthusiastic atmosphere.
Louise Scammell taught printmaking at Dartington Print Workshop for 14 years. She is a member of both the Devon Guild of Craftsmen and the Society of Wildlife Artists.
Her practice involves teaching linocut, drypoint, woodcut, collagraphs, monotype and etching using copper sulphate. She hopes to teach Mokulito (wood lithography) in the near future.
Art House print workshop has three presses, a Hale M80 with a bed size 80cm x 160cm, two Rollaco presses with bed sizes 40cm x 80cm and 45cm x 80cm. We also have a substantial book press which is suitable for printing small linocuts.
For more information and to book or go on a waiting list please contact Louise: